Helianthemum motae, a new species from Spain

The genus Helianthemum is widely diversified in the Iberian Peninsula, within the context of the Western Mediterranean (Grosset 1903, Guinea 1954, López González 1992, 1993).
Nowadays, there are known about 45 different taxa in the Iberian Peninsula, at a specific and subspecific level (López González 1993, Sánchez Gómez et al. 2001, Sáez et al. 1999).
Considering the total of taxa found in the Iberian Peninsula, 23 are endemisms, 6 correspond to iberoafricanisms, 11 are elements of mediterranean distribution and 5 have a wider eurosiberian distribution.
Within the Iberian context, the southeastern area presents a great number of taxa from the genus Helianthemum, mainly those belonging to the Helianthemum and Marifolium sections.Exploration of areas with botanical significance in the area of Murcia (SE Spain) has revealed a population of Helianthemum in brackish substrates which in origin had some macromorfological affinities with Helianthemum syriacum, and lately, after consulting the literature, with H. kahiricum y H. sicanorum (Brullo et al. 2007).


Una especie nueva de Astragalus sect. Sesamei DC. (Leguminosae) del sureste de España: Astragalus castroviejoi >>
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